Driver Installation
You can find the Java driver for the SRSHub on our GitHub repository. Simply copy the file into your teamcode
package, and you’re ready to use the SRS Hub in your codebase!
Once you have added the java file to your teamcode
- Upload your code to the REV Hub, in whatever way you typically do that (ADB, USB, etc.), so that the
device options are updated to include the SRSHub. - Configure your
: navigate to the control hub’s I2C device list in theHardwareMap
configuration menu, and add the SRSHub to the correct port on the Control Hub, making sure to selectSRSHub
as the device type.
REV Hub Reading Configuration
To get the most performance, you should disable bulk reads on both the Control Hub and Expansion Hub using the below code:
List<LynxModule> hubs = hardwareMap.getAll(LynxModule.class);
LynxModule controlHub;
for (LynxModule hub : hubs) { hub.setBulkCachingMode(LynxModule.BulkCachingMode.MANUAL);
if (hub.isParent() && LynxConstants.isEmbeddedSerialNumber(hub.getSerialNumber())) { controlHub = hub; }}
The SRSHub should have enough ports for most teams, but if you find youself needing to read the control hub, you can run the below code at the end of the main loop:
Example Usage
Below is a sample OpMode that uses the SRSHub to read a variety of sensors:
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.test;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode;import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.TeleOp;
import org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.devices.SRSHub;
@TeleOp(name = "HubExample")public class HubExample extends LinearOpMode { public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException { // All pins are configured to "None" by default SRSHub.Config config = new SRSHub.Config();
config.setAnalogDigitalDevice(1, SRSHub.AnalogDigitalDevice.ANALOG); config.setAnalogDigitalDevice(2, SRSHub.AnalogDigitalDevice.ANALOG); config.setAnalogDigitalDevice(3, SRSHub.AnalogDigitalDevice.DIGITAL);
config.setEncoder(1, SRSHub.Encoder.PWM); config.setEncoder(2, SRSHub.Encoder.QUADRATURE); config.setEncoder(3, SRSHub.Encoder.QUADRATURE); config.setEncoder(4, SRSHub.Encoder.PWM);
config.addI2CDevice(1, new SRSHub.VL53L5CX()); config.addI2CDevice(2, new SRSHub.APDS9151());
SRSHub hub = hardwareMap.get(SRSHub.class, "srshub");
// Runs I2C reads in a separate thread; threadUpdates defaults to false: hub.init(config) will not thread updates hub.init(config, true);
while (opModeIsActive() && !isStopRequested()) { // if you are not theading updates, you must call hub.update() before reading
telemetry.addData("analog, a/d port 1", hub.readAnalogDigitalDevice(1)); telemetry.addData("analog, a/d port 2", hub.readAnalogDigitalDevice(2)); telemetry.addData("digital, a/d port 3", hub.readAnalogDigitalDevice(3));
telemetry.addData("pwm, encoder port 1", hub.readAnalogDigitalDevice(1)); telemetry.addData("quadrature, encoder port 2", hub.readAnalogDigitalDevice(2)); telemetry.addData("quadrature, encoder port 3", hub.readAnalogDigitalDevice(3)); telemetry.addData("pwm, encoder port 4", hub.readAnalogDigitalDevice(4));
// I2C reads are returned as a map because each sensor returns different data for (String key : hub.readI2CDevice(1, SRSHub.VL53L5CX.class).keySet()) { telemetry.addData("vl53l5cx, i2c bus 1, " + key, hub.readI2CDevice(1, SRSHub.VL53L5CX.class).get(key)); }
for (String key : hub.readI2CDevice(2, SRSHub.APDS9151.class).keySet()) { telemetry.addData("apds9151, i2c bus 2, " + key, hub.readI2CDevice(2, SRSHub.APDS9151.class).get(key)); } } }}